Friday, August 28, 2020
#FreelancerFriday #2 - Roberta Hall, Cover Designer
#FreelancerFriday #2 - Roberta Hall, Cover Designer #FreelancerFriday #2 - Roberta Hall, Cover Designer â€Å"Each book has its own particular story, its own particular strategic language that it employments. What’s on the spread is there to attract individuals however it’s additionally there to back up the brand itself.†Roberta Hall is our first #FreelancerFriday architect meet. Roberta is a pretty stunning planner. Here she talks through the manner in which she investigates in anticipation of an undertaking, uncovering a genuine, read regard for her specialty as helping express the message of the book it speaks to. Her responsibility is noteworthy, and she’ll likely raise your desires for your creator significantly.Enjoy.â€REEDSY Have you generally freelanced?ROBERTA HALL In school, I was exceptionally aspiring; I did around four unique entry level positions, at that point began working for a few magazines.REEDSY Do you lean toward working with independent clients?ROBERTA HALL I suspect as much. Independent is acceptable in light of the fact that you get the opportunity to work with the individuals you need to work with, who truly have the idea you’d like to help them develop.REEDSY Do you have any inclinations when you’re picking clients?ROBERTA HALL It’s progressively about the undertaking they need to do. My plan is more inventive than corporate, so I wouldn’t essentially work with corporate brands, however I would even now work with a film organization to build up their marking or banners. It relies upon the style of the company.REEDSY As a consultant, how would you make craftsmanship that has that sort of closeness to somebody else’s project?ROBERTA HALL It’s a truly intriguing procedure. You need to do a great deal of examination to do it well. I like to work straightforwardly with the writer since I need to get their idea out there of what they think the book communicates. With a film banner you have a ton of things going on. You need to get photographs from the film, you need to truly realize plot lines, and know mystery easily overlooked details that individuals won’t essentially think about until they go see the film; they won’t notice them until later.REEDSY Like where a banner is one thing before individuals see the film and something else for individuals who’ve as of now observed it.ROBERTA HALL No doubt; it attempts to clarify the riddle that you have going into the film, yet it doesn’t part with details.Working with a book implies you don’t essentially have photographs, so you need to do significantly more research. A few people like to go out and take photographs of things that mirror the characters in the book, others take a gander at various photography destinations to check whether they can discover components that will best pass on the tale of the book itself. Some of the time creators like to pick a portion of the photography too. In this way, it’s a fascinating procedure with regards to itself. For instance, for one of the book covers I’ve chipped away at, what I was sent was the spread workmanship and I basically just worked typography around the spread craftsmanship to best show the message that they were going for. Different books have a theoretical significance behind them, so all things considered you should go with an illustrational style.REEDSY When you’re attempting to get this feeling of the book to work with, do you simply utilize the manuscript?ROBERTA HALL I as a rule converse with the creator. Despite the fact that I couldn't imagine anything better than to peruse the book, I probably won't receive a similar message in return that the writer needs the spread to pass on. The entire thing about a book spread is you need it to coordinate what the writer needs, yet in addition to pass on the message that the author’s attempting to get out there. I may not really observe the book a similar way the writer does - which is acceptable in such a case that everybody saw the book a similar way, there wouldn’t be as a lot to discuss.REEDSY You called your work more inventive than corporate - what is your opinion about the entire inquiry of whether book covers are workmanship or there to do a business job?ROBERTA HALL It’s to a greater extent a split. A few people see book covers as workmanship and others see it similarly as ‘commercial art.’ What’s so intriguing about that will be that the craftsman will realize that it’s craftsmanship, will have the option to clarify the thinking behind it, however then you could ask an ordinary individual and they could state it’s only a book spread, it’s business, yet in any case, it *is* workmanship. The bundling on a ton of the things that we purchase is workmanship - however individuals probably won't see it that way since they don’t fundamentally observe the detail that goes into it.What’s fascinating is that originators will here and there go through hours glancing through typefaces for something that passes on a solid message, and can likewise be rich simultaneously. Despite the fact that it’s business craftsmanship, I truly accept that a strong book spread is a similar thing as a stron g banner. It’s additionally fascinating. It make somebody needs to get the book more. It drives you to glimpse inside and see this world that the craftsmanship has made for the viewer.REEDSY What can creators offer you to assist you with chipping away at a cover?ROBERTA HALL At the point when somebody sends me a pitch I like to do investigate and pose inquiries. The more data you can improve the plan will be. So if all you let me know is that you need a rich book spread, to me 'elegant’ may mean a content text style that has some flower plan on there - however that may detract from the message of the book; that book may be about the 1920’s, and that botanical content may be the direct inverse. It’s extremely about posing the same number of inquiries in advance on the plan of the book. At the point when you pose these inquiries, your exploration will be increasingly limited and you’ll have the option to confine the things that come together.REEDSY When you’re exploring in anticipation of a plan, what does that involve?ROBERTA HALL On the off chance that somebody requested that I do a banner about the Civil war, where I don’t know a great deal of data about it, I’ll return and I’ll research pictures as well as text, the manner in which individuals composed in those days, and even the manner in which individuals talked, in light of the fact that that can impact various styles in plan. Thus I’ll go through hours attempting to make sense of this new style will show what the creator needs to go for and, truly, what I need to go for as well. The issue is that book covers are a great deal like marking; if the book spread is structured mistakenly, in a way that doesn’t coordinate the book, at that point the book is marked incorrectly.REEDSY How can you comprehend marking as it identifies with book covers?ROBERTA HALL Each book has its own particular story, its own particular crucial language that it employments. What’s on the spread is there to attract individuals however it’s likewise there to back up the brand itself. So by 'brand’ I mean anything, even the typeface of the book.So for instance, I wouldn’t plan a spread for a book about tormenting with a content textual style; it would change the significance of the word harassing, change the importance of the entire book itself dependent on that content textual style. In the event that you see a content text style you’re going to think that’s sort of girly, or rich; you’re not going to think about a book that’s about a solid good message. You should be predictable with the author’s crucial the book, just as the book’s plot, in such a case that not you’re going to lose many individuals who might have regularly picked it up.REEDSY When you’ve worked with creators do they frequently have a created thought of a brand? Or on the other hand would you be able to assist them with working that out?ROBERTA HALL At first, the manner in which individuals compose is likewise part of the brand, so I simply attempt to give a visual picture to that. I attempt to assist them with defining things that they’ve as of now said. The manner in which we make statements can frequently have visual symbolism behind it. As a creator, working with pictures, it’s simpler for us to see it than it is for an author who invests the majority of their energy working with words.REEDSY So once you’ve done advance with your examination, what comes next?ROBERTA HALL After I’ve done research I set up state of mind sheets, which could be anything from various text styles and various hues alongside the various styles of textual styles and the diverse photographs that cooperate to accentuate the book’s message. At that point you choose if it’s going to have a photograph or an outline. You deal with that before you acquire the typography. The typography, despite the fact that it ought to be thought of ceaselessly all through, won’t be acquired until after the picture has been created. So the entire procedure experiences the various phases of design.A great book spread, in the event that you take a gander at the picture - in the event that it has one, in light of the fact that occasionally the spread is made up just of words - in the event that you take a gander at the picture and it underlines the significance without having any typography, you’re a bit nearer to having a completed book cover.REEDSY Thus this carries you to this one, last form of a cover?ROBERTA HALL Regularly it’s progressively like drafts. What’s continually fascinating about plan is that when architects are working they commit errors, yet it can wind up really working for them. Like, they’ll utilize the image in a way they didn’t intend to, yet it works superior to their unique arrangement. It’s like playing with the pictures, in any event, when you had your unique idea, it may not really come out the manner in which you need to. You continue working with it and you additionally continue working with various drafts and various thoughts as well.Usually you need to concoct around four or five distinct thoughts only for one book spread. One of your drafts or structures may give one part of the book, and another plan totally unique perspective. You’re attempting to shape those together. You think of various methods of outwardly saying something very similar. They likely have comparable hues and symbolism, yet one may separate the picture t o cause it to appear to be more grounded, wh
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Marketing Environment of Deakin University of Australia Sample
Question: Investigate the Promoting and Competitive Environment of a University brand. Answer: Presentation Promoting is a tremendous idea in itself, which is the collection of purchasers and venders inside a more extensive stage. Complexity in the market condition is one of a fundamental specialist for drawing in the purchasers. Modern advertising increases the value of the jobs and obligations of the supervisors. This report endeavors to introduce the promoting condition of Deakin University of Australia. Substance of the report incorporate brief data about the University, which gives an understanding into its promoting exercises. Current market position of the University is help with terms of estimating the endeavors to beat the difficulties from the outside condition. At long last, the report places or positions the college brand as far as the safeguarding the guiding principle. Foundation of the college Deakin University has accomplished honors and wonder by giving quality instruction and research offices to the understudies for their profession foundation. The repercussion of college achievement is found in the effective professions of the understudies in the working environment (, 2017). Support of consistency in the arrangement of value training administrations has presented third situation on the college as far as top colleges in the limit of Australia. The understudies are evaluated for their presentation with worthwhile open doors, for example, arrangement offers when they complete the courses. Not just this, the understudies are presented to the handy universe of science, sports and different occasions through the methods for different extracurricular exercises. These exercises empower them for showing better scholastic execution (, 2017). Joint endeavors with various enterprises and business have demonstrated helpful for the college regarding growin g their business. Run of the mill models toward this path are the creation of present day advances in the field of human services and horticulture. Cooperation with the networks has helped the college in its key vision to accomplish practical development. Market outline and request appraisal Australia is one of the most loved goals among the understudies as far as getting quality advanced education. The significant drive behind this is the arrangement of protected and agreeable investigation condition. These components raise the interest of Australia visit higher among the understudies over the globe (, 2017). Normal proof of this is the report distributed by The Department of Education and Training entitled, International Student Survey. The consequence of this overview demonstrates 87% projection for instructive fulfillment among the understudies going to the colleges from all sides of the globe. In contrast with this, the higher living costs, settlement costs, pay age and money related help are anticipated as 49%. Advertising, for Deakin University is a control anticipating the connection between the purchasers and the merchants (, 2017). As indicated by the cutting edge variant of promoting, as saw by the University specialists, ability to i mpact the buying intensity of the clients is an upgration in the jobs and duties of the advertising work force, particularly, the chiefs. The courses open the understudies to the genuine serious feeling of the market. Division and target advertise Market is an enormous stage. Execution of business exchanges without the objective division brings about the accomplishment of contrary results for the work force, particularly the directors. Recognizing targets is a slow movement towards the business development. These divisions should be possible based on specific variables, for example, geographic, segment, social, psychographical and conduct (Armstrong et al., 2014). Every one of these angles demonstrate valid for Australian college, Deakin. The Data delivered by Department of Education and Training in 2013 undertakings 1,313, 776 understudies, who were joined up with by High Education Provider (HEP). Inside this, there were understudies seeking after full time courses, low maintenance courses. The enrolment of worldwide understudies reflects broadening for the University. Alongside this, as indicated by the state and region savvy enrolment, the northern universal district just 1161 understudies were selected (Asaad, Melewar Cohe n, 2014). This disparity reflects bargain with the instructive needs of the worldwide understudies. In view of these measurements, semantic courses for the universal courses can be incorporated inside the educational program. This consideration would give the worldwide understudies better choices in regards to their scholarly vocation. Alongside this, it would likewise stop the occurrences of racial separations of which the northern understudies are a casualty. In particular, presenting plans for enlisting understudies from the Altantic Rims would demonstrate valuable for the specialists of Deakin University (, 2017). The attributes of the division bear relationship with geographic division, which acquires an upgradation the desolate presence of the Altantic Rims. Current showcasing blend examination The 2014 report distributed by the legislative unit of Education and Training reflected 453,352 remote understudies in Australia. This is 10.4% acceleration over the 410,925 understudies who entered the Australian edge through visa. In the event of advanced education, there has been a development of 8.9% between the period of 2013 to 2014. Going on a flashback, for example, the periods of 1994 2014, the present situation of Australia understudy showcase shows a recognizable heightening up to 20% (Asaad, Melewar Cohen, 2014). The significant drive behind this is the smoothening of visa offices. Improving the conversation towards Deakin University, the expenses for global understudies is determined based on the unit courses enlisted. The expenses differ as indicated by the progressions embraced inside the courses. These are the cutting edge details. Alongside this, the University broadens some assistance towards the understudies experiencing money related troubles. Common instances of this help incorporate credits for study purposes; crisis cards for nourishments and transport costs among others. Coordinated effort with various mechanical business associations makes it simpler for the college specialists to design the spending plan (Lovelock Patterson, 2015). Reception of MoneySmart application makes the chiefs mindful of the complete costs and at last makes the spending plan. In view of every one of these exercises, it tends to be presumed that there is a blasting future for Deakin University as far as advertising. Nuisance examination Legitimization Political Brutal and customary arrangements Political distress Financial High trade rates Change in costs Social Assortment of alternatives for the worldwide understudies Extracurricular exercises Against ragging effort Mechanical IT enactments Employing specialists Table 1: PEST examination of Deakin University Setting of brutal and standard arrangements by the higher specialists irritates the complexities of the University as far as looking after amicability. Alongside this, political unrests as wars goes about as an involve and interchange with the vocation foundation of the trying understudies. Digging profound into the circumstance, this rationale slows down the development of the understudies, which is a snag in their turn of events (Luxton, Reid Mavondo, 2015). Aside from this, high loan costs make it hard for the college specialists to set the charges for the understudies. Be that as it may, the nearness of present day and innovatively propelled programming, for example, SmartMoney diminishes the weight of the experts as far as setting up the spending plan for every scholarly year. Inside this, specialists are employed for assessment of the machines. This progression encourages the specialists to turn away examples of breaking down, infection surrenders, programmer mediation and othe rs. Accomplishment of achievement toward this path is basically because of the adherence and consistence to the IT enactments, for example, Data Protection Act (1998). PC Misuse Act among others. The social parameter of the investigation identifies with the corporate social duties of the University staffs (Babin Zikmund, 2015). For instance, giving assortment of alternatives to the outside understudies as far as picking their courses is a location to the examples of racial segregations. In this, lays the significance of against ragging efforts. Contender investigation The most quick contenders of Deakin University are Central Queensland and La Trobe. Guessing the situation of Australia in general, in 2014, 191 understudies went into Australia for getting quality instruction. Australia, being one of the most loved training center point, constrained the instruction area faculty to start to think critically as far as baiting the outside understudies (Sultan Yin, 2014). Thus, lays the suitability of the expression, on the way to furious rivalry. The descriptive word savage identifies with the thought process of winning understudies so as to achieve a made sure about situation inside the serious feeling. Rivalry, as far as nature of instruction and charges, has disturbed the opposition between the colleges. In any case, vital vision towards the spending arranging and tending to of the money related dangers have empowered Deakin University chiefs to keep up their situation in the serious market (, 2017). Infrastructural headway of china, Ho ng Kong, Singapore and South Korea adds powerlessness to the market position of the college. This is attributable to the engineering of the colleges, which produces a desire to examine. It makes a decent picture inside the psyches of the understudies (, 2017). SWOT investigation The arrangement of different choices to the outside understudies as far as picking their courses is perhaps the best quality of Deakin Universit
Friday, August 21, 2020
Basketball Coaching Free Essays
Have you at any point envisioned not having a mentor for your games group? Or on the other hand why your mentor is so fruitful? Despite the fact that they are exceptionally requesting, they’re fundamental for any team’s achievement. â€Å"I request a ton out of my players, yet we have a great time and I give them space to learn and make mistakes,†said Coach Mike Bates. They give structure and are the heart and spirits of each group. We will compose a custom paper test on B-ball Coaching or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now Mentors need to cherish the game. The group mirrors the mentor, if he’s fruitful so will you be. The mentor should be taught and show the essentials of the game. They ought to ingrain virtues into the group. Fundamental ball will improve the group. Essential b-ball incorporates ball taking care of, legitimate structure, offense, and so on. It might appear to be exhausting and moronic however it truly makes you a superior group and player. Players need a mentor who will show them the game. On the off chance that the mentor is a fanatic for protection, your group can beat anybody. The essentials of safeguard can make a decent group extraordinary and lower level groups serious. The protection will prompt offense and things will come simpler for your group. Once you’ve aced the nuts and bolts the objectives that have been set for the group will appear to be reachable and simpler. The certainty of the group will skyrocket and results will follow. â€Å"I show the children each part of the game and the fundamentals that will make them successful,†said Coach Mike. Your mentor should be devoted and love the game. â€Å"I’m an exercise center rodent, I’ll effectively get into the rec center and help the girls,†proceeded with Coach Mike. You have to settle on contact choices and penances to be fruitful. Nothing comes effectively particularly in this calling. You need to outwork your resistance and be readied. Being in the rec center and cherishing the game gives you numerous points of interest over different mentors. Being around the game shows you more and makes you mindful of each circumstance. Hollering isn’t the best way to rouse players. There are numerous different approaches to do as such. At times shouting may accomplish more damage than anything else and hurt the groups mind. Players will begin to detest the mentor and begin to remove themselves. When the resolve and certainty is separated the group will begin to endure the outcomes. There are sure occasions when hollering is proper yet it shouldn’t be utilized constantly and mentors should never single players out before the whole group. The mentor should holler for a reason, yet in addition bring your certainty up simultaneously and urge you to improve. There shouldn’t be bogus expectation placed into player’s heads in light of the coach’s self image. Players would begin to lose regard for him. They truly tune in to what the mentors need to let them know and acknowledge it. It truly implies a great deal to them what you let them know. One reason John Wooden was effective as a b-ball mentor was on the grounds that he was the best instructor at the game and showed his players fundamental abilities. He didn’t win ten national titles since he had ability. He won since he showed essentials and fundamental b-ball. He imparted in his players that basics is the way to progress. Right up 'til today his players despite everything use what he showed them and accept that with them as they proceed onward with their lives. He was a mentor and a dad to the players. He generally looked at how life resembled b-ball and the players comprehended what he implied. John Wooden made the Pyramid of Success. The Pyramid of Success comprises of twenty-five practices that Wooden felt you should have been effective in b-ball, yet in addition throughout everyday life. The main two practices are confidence and persistence. He followed those practices and showed his players those practices until his withering days. Phil Jackson is likewise another incredible mentor. He is special simply like John Wooden. They never wanted to holler. Jackson is the Zen Master and isn’t a yeller. He’s special in light of the fact that not at all like most mentors he confides in his group and lets them play as opposed to calling breaks when his group gets into trenches. Most mentors would be angered and rapidly call a break yet not him. He kicks back and lets them play through troublesome periods. He doesn’t mentor each player the equivalent and comprehends the necessities of what every player needs to succeed. Jackson knows his players and every one of their qualities and shortcomings. Another magnificent thing is he shown the two best players the game has ever brought to the table: Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, that playing inside the idea of the group is the best way to win. A fantastic pioneer prompts an incredible mentor. With the certainty and strut that they bring to the table it comes off in the group. The group needs somebody to follow and gaze upward to. Players need to regard the mentor. Regard is a significant part of the game. The group should need to live incredible the mentor. Directing an extraordinary practice is an incredible part of any mentor. Practice ought to be directed with the necessities of the group and show progress consistently. It is a path for mentors to perceive what you can bring to the group. Careful discipline brings about promising results and for each mentor they live incredible that maxim. All things considered the mentor is the impetus to the group. They are everything to the group and the group flourishes off their vitality. The character of the group mirrors the mentor. Mentors that drill the essentials and basics into the group are fruitful. The group will prevail in general and improve as the season moves along. Step by step instructions to refer to Basketball Coaching, Essay models
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Graduate School Essay Samples
Graduate School Essay SamplesGraduate school essay samples can be useful when you are writing your own research papers. You are actually able to utilize some of the greatest and most remembered writers in history to show you the proper way to present a concept. These examples will help you get going with the research paper you want to write.Of course, you should not get ahead of yourself when writing a research paper. It is very important that you stick to your topic in the study area of your specific topic. Don't be discouraged if it appears that you don't have a solid understanding of your research.If you are not aware of the resources that are available for reading the thesis, you can look for research essay samples online. You should be able to find plenty of information on all sorts of topics.Theses are very lengthy, and you will need to spend time on the thesis work. Luckily, you can learn how to effectively do research on a specific topic from graduate school essay samples. So me of the examples that you can look through are those that use reference books. You can also look through the examples that cover written studies that people do on your particular topic.When you are looking for examples of research papers, you should remember that you need to make a certain number of references to your topic in order to keep your essay topics convincing. The example that you can look through may have many unique techniques. This means that you will want to put the particular examples in to your research work.Good graduate school essay samples will also be easily understood. These are well-written, and you will find yourself impressed with their style and accuracy. You will feel as if you are in the same situation that these writers are in. They are writing an assignment for you, and you can utilize their ideas.When looking for essay samples, you will have to keep your homework to a minimum. However, there are many sources online that you can look at to find example s that will help you with your research papers.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Gangs and Injunctions - 1330 Words
Gangs and Injunctions Criminal activities and gangs have mostly always been an on going problem in the United States. Gangs and gang members are frequently involved with a variety of different crimes. The 2008 National Youth Gang Survey reported that there are approximately 774,000 active gang members in the United States (Egley, Howell, Moore, 2010). The 2008 National Youth Gang Survey also states that there are about 27,900 active gangs in the United States (Egley et al., 2010). The active gangs in California have caused a major impact on the state in many ways. According to the California Department of Justice, approximately 300,000 gang members are living in California (Crawford, 2009). California also attributes more than 25†¦show more content†¦The police force may be looked at negatively for setting such heavy restrictions on regular neighborhoods because there are injunctions set upon the area. The people from the neighborhoods would be the individuals that believe gang injunctions should not be enforced. One of the many problems involved with gang injunctions is that there is not a clear definition of what a gang is. Numerous definitions of gangs have come about through the decades. For example, the 2006 National Youth Gang Survey defines a gang as â€Å"a group of youths in your jurisdiction that you are willing to classify as a gang†(Egley, O’Donnell, 2008). This definition of a gang is very vague because any group of youths can be seen as a gang. This definition does not always work. For example, a group of people who share a common interest like reading books or collecting baseball cards can be labeled as a â€Å"gang.†The National Gang Center and federal law define a gang as â€Å"any ongoing group, club, organization, or association of five or more person: A) that has as one of its primary purposes the commission of one or more of the criminal offenses; B) the members of which engage, or have engaged within the p ast five years, in a continuing series of offenses; and C) the activities of which affect interstate or foreign commerce (Brief review of Federal and State definitions, 2009, p.1). Another problem closely associated with gang injunctions are the violations of constitutional rights.Show MoreRelatedEssay about Gang Injunctions10585 Words  | 43 Pagesand Constitutionality of Gang Injunctions Ryan Jacobsen* TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why The World Want Plastic Surgery - 1480 Words
Brittney, 14 years old, sits with her mom in the waiting room in Dr. Smith office. She is waiting for her first nose job. She had to beg her mother for it because she wants to look more like her favorite superstar then a girl bullied by her classmates because she has a big nose. Bullying is not the only reason to get a plastic surgery but it is a big reason why people resort to such drastic measures. What problems specifically lead to plastic surgery? First, it is important to mention that plastic surgery has two branches. There is cosmetic surgery, people use it to improve there appearance while on the other side reconstructive surgery treats serious health issues. When you hear the words â€Å"plastic surgery†you thing about nose jobs,†¦show more content†¦Little girls play with barbie dolls and boy with burly action figures, which have bodies that are physically impossible to achieve. The artist, Nickolay Lamm, published the barbie doll which was actually made wit h the sizes of an average 19-years-old woman. Then, he took a picture of his barbie doll and a â€Å"normal†barbie doll to show which difference it makes. â€Å"If we criticize skinny models, we should at least be open to the possibility that Barbie may negatively influence young girls as well,†Lamm said in an email to the Huffinton Post (Bahadur). Over the past 15 years, the number of cosmetic procedures has increased by 197%. While it was 2.1 million procedures performed in 1997 it increased to 9.2 million procedures in 2011 and nearly ten billion dollar were spend for cosmetic procedures in 2011, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (â€Å"Cosmetic Surgery...†). Cosmetic surgeries are also the third main cause for debt. It shows how used people get to the fact that everybody gets surgery. Not only the number of total procedures are increasing, but the patients are getting younger too. To get work done, such as pinning back big ear s, is no longer uncommon. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons statistics, 76,220 cosmetic surgical procedures were performed on people age 13-19 in 2012 (â€Å"Plastic Surgery for Teenager...†). Teenager usually have different motivationt and goals than adults. While adults want toShow MoreRelatedShould Teens Get Forced Into Getting Plastic Surgery?1656 Words  | 7 Pages22, 2017 Why Do I Look Different? â€Å"Mommy, why do you look so different from me?†The Little girl is only five and does not understand that her mother looks different from her, due to the fact she has gotten a lot of plastic surgery done to herself. Whose little girl wants to grow up and look beautiful, just like her mother, but doesn’t understand the risk of plastic surgery. When the little girl grows into a teen, she thinks she is finally ready to get her first cosmetic surgery done, aRead MorePlastic Surgery Becomes More Popular953 Words  | 4 PagesAs time progresses, plastic surgery becomes more popular. Plastic surgery isn’t just what’s seen on TV and on social media; plastic surgery is much more than facelifts, rhinoplasty, and breast enhancements. In fact, â€Å"plastic surgery is anything that undergoes the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body.†(Reconstructive Surgery) The facelift Kris Jenner recently just had done is equally consider ed plastic surgery as an ordinary person getting an extra finger removed. These are bothRead MorePlastic Surgery And Its Effects On Society959 Words  | 4 PagesOver time, plastic surgery has become a lot more popular. Plastic surgery isn’t just what’s seen on TV and on social media; plastic surgery is much more than facelifts, rhinoplasty, and breast enhancements. In fact, â€Å"plastic surgery is anything that undergoes the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body.†(Reconstructive Surgery) The facelift Kris Jenner recently had done is equally considered plastic surgery as an everyday person removing an extra finger they were born with. TheseRead MorePlastic Surgery And Its Effects On Society956 Words  | 4 PagesAs time progresses, plastic surgery becomes a lot popular. Plastic surgery isn’t just what’s seen on TV and on social media; plastic surgery is much more than facelifts, rhinoplasty, and breast enhancements. In fa ct, â€Å"plastic surgery is anything that undergoes the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body.†(Reconstructive Surgery) The facelift Kris Jenner recently just had done is equally considered plastic surgery as an ordinary person removing an extra finger they were born withRead MorePlastic Surgery And Its Effects On Society1363 Words  | 6 PagesAs of recent plastic surgery has become extremely popular, so popular to the point that it has gotten out of control. Although it has been around for many years, the high standards of beauty in today’s society has recently led both women and men to resolve their so-called imperfections with plastic surgery, making plastic surgery the new norm. Sadly, in this day and age all you see when turning on the TV, flipping through a magazine, or simply going on social media, is models creating an ideal imageRead MoreLook Good, Feel Good: Going to Drastic Lengths for Beauty763 Words  | 4 Pagesthis way about p lastic surgery. They would go under knives, hours of surgery and thousands of complication just to look pretty. Every year millions of people go through complicated plastic surgery, and this number is increasing every year. The major reason of this increscent is people want to change their physic to look pretty. Fake beauty or plastic surgery is an obsession this generation in spite of knowing the side effect to bring variation. People are obsessed with plastic surgery. A statisticRead MoreEffects Of Plastic Surgery Among Teenagers1467 Words  | 6 Pages Plastic Surgery amongst Teenagers is on the rise In the year 2015, where here in the United States following the lastest celebrities has become an influence on many teens across the Unites States, what I mean by influence is plastic surgery. You see it everywhere it s on TV, on billboards, on the radio and all over the magazines. It seems as if everything a well known celebrity does teens want to do also. And what celebrity has gottenRead MorePros And Cons Of Plastic Surgery Essay818 Words  | 4 PagesPlastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function of a body part. There are a lot of arguments concerning plastic surgery. Some people even argued that it should be banned. However, the fact that plastic surgery is still legally practiced globally points out that the advantages significantly outweigh the disadvantages. Plastic surgery should not be banned due to the following reasons. Firstly, plastic surgery is needed for medical purposes. SecondlyRead Mo reThe Effects Of Plastic Surgery On South Korea786 Words  | 4 Pages3.2 Plastic Surgery Other industries like dancing school (Figure 8), fashioning boutiques and Spa (Figure 9), wedding photography (Figure 10) and plastic surgery (Figure 11) have also boosted by the Korean wave. Among these industries, the plastic surgery is particularly prominent. Figure 8: Dancing School in South Korea Figure 9: Fashioning Boutiques in South Korea Figure 10: Wedding Photography in Korean Style Figure 11: Korean Plastic Surgery As the Korean wave becomingRead MoreThe Personal Effects Of Plastic Surgery1210 Words  | 5 Pagesof Plastic Surgery Plastic surgery dates back to somewhere around 2000 B.C. and has only advanced since that time. Today people all over the world get these procedures done for many reasons. Some reasoning behind individuals getting plastic surgery is to fix a birth defect, deformability, or for cosmetic purposes. In today’s society, getting plastic surgery for cosmetics purposes is very popular but with that comes many negative comments or thoughts towards that person getting these surgeries. Cosmetic
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Arhurian Romances Essay Example For Students
Arhurian Romances Essay Chretein de Troyes, Arthurian RomancesFrom the Classical age through the medieval age, women were greatly disrespected. They did not have any say in anything and were not appreciated. In Classical texts such as The Odyssey, the women were treated as if they were animals. They did not have the respect of others and some were thought of as whores. In the stories of Erec and Enide, Lancelot, and Perceval, we see a dramatic change in this, due to the system of government that Arthur entails giving them the freedom and rights they deserved. The new man to woman relationship brought about in these stories is very different then the past stories we have read from the classical age. This system gave great honor and respect to women, which became part of the chivalric code that was followed by the knights and royalty of that time.The courtly relationship between man and woman is the theme created throughout the stories in the Arthurian Romances. The ideas of courtly love and chivalry are summ arized in these stories. We see many instances where knights go out of their way to please their woman. Once a knight chooses his woman, she thought of as his chattel, or property. He can do what he pleases with her and she must listen to him or possibly be killed. He respects and loves her as long as she is loyal and faithful to him. If someone were to interfere in his or her relationship, they would fight til death or until someone begs for mercy. The knights fought for the most beautiful and did what they pleased with them. They fought for them if necessary to keep respect for themselves and for their maiden. This is what the chivalric ideology was based on and so the knights followed and respected it.In the story of Erec and Enide we see how some women affect the lifestyle and choices that the knights make due to their love. The woman was the prize possession to every man. They were won in various games that were played by the knights. Different ceremonies were held to award to the winner the most beautiful woman in the land. We can see here that women were so important that a knight had to prove he was the best at what he did to gain her hand. These types of games were normal in this time since the woman was respected so much more. Competition was also based on who was the most beautiful in the land. This is where Erec finds his love Enide. He wins the hand of the most beautiful lady on his way to defend his Queen who was disrespected by Ydor the Dwarf. It was Erecs chivalric duty to defend her honor as a lady and the queen.While Erec was at the town he played in the Sparrow-hawk ceremony, which dealt with showing the most beautiful maiden in the kingdom. Whoever had enough gall to present his lady as the most beautiful and handed her the sparrow in front of the town wins. Erec presents Enide as the most beautiful and is approached by Ydor, who thinks his woman is the best. They battled and by defeating him and winning the game, he walked away with his lo ve, Enide. He loved and cherished every move she made. He loved her so much that he gave up his knightly duties for her. He stopped going on quests and participating in all the ceremonies. But Erec was so in love with her that he cared no more for arms, nor did he go to tournaments. He no longer cared for tourneying; he wanted to enjoy his wifes company, and he made her his lady and his mistress. He turned all his attention to kissing her; her persued no other delight.; (pg.67 Erec and Enide)He was greatly shamed by all the knights and nobles for doing this. She refused to tell him about this in fear of his actions. These unknightly actions created problems with him and the other knights. Enide finally tells him the truth about what everyone else is thinking and is blamed for it. He brings her out on quests to test her love for him and in the end believes that she truly loves him and only him. They kiss and embrace each other and she was no longer dismayed and they lived together h appily afterwards. In the story of Perceval we can see how courtly love and chivalry tie in with suffering and atonement. Perceval was not a trained knight at first. Everything he learned about being a knight, he learned from his mother. She also taught him about love and guilt. He was from a long line of knights that suffered from bad luck. His father and both brothers died as knights. Perceval wanted to become a knight after he saw how beautiful they were when they were fighting. He referred to them as Gods. He tells his mother that he wants to become a knight and leaves her there dead on the floor. He is not aware of the sense of guilt yet so he leaves her their face down on the ground. Perceval goes to King Arthur to request knighthood. On his way there he meets a lady. He has never been with a woman before so he does not know how to act. He forces himself on top of her, kisses her, eats her food, and steals her ring and leaves. She tells her lord and he yells and accuses her of liking it and says he will behead the man who did that to his property. This shows that the chivalric code is learned by knights and causes problems when it is not used correctly. When he arrives at the castle, Arthur and his court welcome him in. While he is there he falls for a maiden who is at the table with them. Kay smacks her for saying that Perceval would be the best and most handsome knight alive. Kay also makes him leave without helping the King. On Percevals departure from the castle, he slays the Red Knight that threatened King Arthur and takes his armor. This was his first time using weapons to slay another knight in battle. He meets up with the Vavasour and is taught the rest he needs to know about being a knight. After that everyone he battles with and defeats, he sends to King Arthurs castle to serve the maiden he has fallen for. He sends them with messages of his love for her and that he will return to avenge her. He then travels back home to see his mom, only to fi nd out that she had died when he left. This is where we begin to see that Perceval learns what guilt and sorrow are. He is shameful about what has happened and learns to confess his sins. He begins to confess all his sins and feels guilty about all he has done. He meets up with the lady he raped and her knight on a quest. He confesses all he has done to her along with his other sins and this infuriates the knight. They battle and Perceval defeats him and sends him to his maiden. All he defeats he send to his maiden as a gift to show her that he still loves her. Through his atonement and courtly love, Perceval returns back to normal and remains King Arthurs faithful knight. .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 , .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 .postImageUrl , .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 , .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696:hover , .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696:visited , .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696:active { border:0!important; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696:active , .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696 .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u908dc7d1072e80f28bede86a2a028696:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hurricane georges Essay We will write a custom essay on Arhurian Romances specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In conclusion I feel that the medieval period allowed the women to gain a powerful status in society. They gained honorable reputations and were respected by everyone. The chivalric attitudes that the knights obtained allowed for an uprising of the public status between the sexes. Their attitudes toward each other had a tremendous change from the classical era to the Medieval one. We can still see the medieval attitude today towards some women. Some men go out of their way to help the lady. Men open doors for ladies and keep them warm. Instead of them being called knights, they are called gentlemen. This can be an indication of the existence of medieval knights and the chivalric code they followed.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Thursday, March 12, 2020
What Javascript Cannot Do
What Javascript Cannot Do While there are a great many things that JavaScript can be used to enhance your web pages and improve your visitors experience with your site, there are also a few things that JavaScript cant do. Some of these limitations are due to the fact that the script is running in the browser window and therefore cannot access the server while others are as a result of security that is in place to stop web pages from being able to tamper with your computer. There is no way to work around these limitations and anyone who claims to be able to perform any of the following tasks using JavaScript has not considered all of the aspects of whatever it is that they are trying to do. It Cannot Write to Files on the Server Without the Help of a Server-Side Script Using Ajax, JavaScript can send a request to the server. This request can read a file in XML or plain text format but it cannot write to a file unless the file called on the server actually runs as a script to do the file write for you. JavaScript cannot access databases unless you use Ajax and have a server-side script to perform the database accesses for you. It Cannot Read From or Write to Files in the Client Even though JavaScript is running on the client computer (the one where the web page is being viewed) it is not allowed to access anything outside of the web page itself. This is done for reasons of security since otherwise a web page would be able to update your computer to install who knows what. The only exception to this are files called cookies which are small text files that JavaScript can write to and read from. The browser restricts access to cookies so that a given web page can only access cookies created by the same site. JavaScript cannot close a window if it didnt open it. Again this is for security reasons. It Cannot Access Web Pages Hosted on Another Domain Even though web pages from different domains can be displayed at the same time, either in separate browser windows or in separate frames within the same browser window, the JavaScript running on a web page belonging to one domain cannot access any information about a web page from a different domain. This helps to ensure that private information about you that may be known to the owners of one domain is not shared with other domains whose web pages you may have open concurrently. The only way to access files from another domain is to do an Ajax call to your server and have a server side script access the other domain. It Cannot Protect Your Page Source or Images Any images on your web page are downloaded separately to the computer displaying the web page so the person viewing the page already has a copy of all of the images by the time they view the page. The same is true of the actual HTML source of the web page. The web page needs to be able to decrypt any web page that is encrypted in order to be able to display it. While an encrypted web page may require JavaScript to be enabled in order for the page to be able to be decrypted in order for it to be able to be displayed by the web browser, once the page has been decrypted anyone who knows how can easily save the decrypted copy of the page source.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Primary Source analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Primary Source analysis - Essay Example Before our modern, liberating era, the world had no room for independent women. A little more than a century ago, women were property and were like slaves, being only allowed to do what their husbands demanded of them. They lived under the rule of their husbands and fathers, unable to escape from the shadows of men. The concept of an independent woman was nothing other than a myth, a dream that was more of a fantasy than anything conceivable. Though they were not allowed in schools, colleges, the majority of professions, or in any offices of government, Elizabeth Cady Stanton pointed out that these women were lacking something even more important, which was â€Å"no proper appreciation of themselves as factors in civilization.†1 Women were not only viewed as less than human, with men considered them to be lower than males, but it was a position that they allowed and accepted. When women today realize what they are capable of and allowed to engage in, it becomes almost baffling to remember that the majority of these options were not acceptable to women in a world that existed only a hundred years ago. Even in Stanton’s article, she acknowledges that a time would come when women can enjoy the rights of person and property. Yet despite this optimism, a stance that has proven itself real in our present day and age, Stanton still states that â€Å"the true woman is as yet a dream of the future†2. Since the post-Civil War era, women became increasingly more free. But is there still more for women to discover about themselves and their abilities? Stanton seemed to believe so. In Stanton’s words, â€Å"we have a government of the people, by the people, for the people [...] we soon shall have that important half, called women ...†3. Women of Stanton’s day and age did not have the freedom that we do now, yet even she was optimistic that one day women would be considered just as vital to society as men. Regardless of the life that Stanton herself led
Saturday, February 8, 2020
MEASURES OF THE ECONOMY- U.S. International Trade In Goods And Research Paper
MEASURES OF THE ECONOMY- U.S. International Trade In Goods And Services - Research Paper Example To calculate the gross domestic product, one adds the components of the economy which include the measure of all the goods and services produced in that nation. Most of the goods and services produced in a nation are purchased locally by consumers. This makes the largest component and most stable of the economy as it is the consumer spending (C) in the United States (Brezine 168). Obtaining of consumer spending is by adding together non-durable for instance foods and durable for instance automobiles goods. The services will include mechanic, barber and medical services. The next component is the investments made by industries and businesses (I). When calculating the GPD, investment refers to purchases made by the industries in new production facilities or also the processes of buying new capital and putting it into use e.g. building of new factories, buying of a new truck and purchasing new software (Mankiw 201). In essence, this means that the factories reproduce as they buy new goods and services that will lead to production of more goods and services. The next component for calculating the GDP is calculating the net export which is the difference between all values of exports and the values of all imports. Exports are the goods and services that are produced internally in a nation but are sold to the foreigners. Imports are services and goods that have been produced by foreigners but are sold domestically (Mankiw 203). If the exports of a certain year exceed the imports then the GPD will increase, and if this is the opposite, the GPD will decrease. The final component used is the government expenditure. The government buys goods and services using the tax money. The goods and services purchases are a measure of the goods and services produced. Examples of government expenditure will include hiring of the civil servants and construction of roads and public buildings (Sugimoto 225). Government expenditure does not incorporate any transfer payments such
Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Knowledge of Human Existence Essay Example for Free
The Knowledge of Human Existence Essay Movies provide the audience with a unique experience. Not only do they entertain, they allow the audience to explore their own preconceptions. The most vital preconception that movies allow the viewer to explore and interact with is the definition and formation of knowledge. For centuries man has grasped for the true definition of knowledge. In this struggle many have fought for a unifying definition, this great conflagration of discourse and study did not lead to a unified definition of knowledge. Moreover, it leads to the question that still beats in the hearts of the philosopher and the movie-goer. What can human beings know about the experience of existence? How do we define it? Man’s struggle with the definition of knowledge and how we define existence is a driving force behind the questions asked by philosophers throughout history. From Plato to Descartes, from Aristotle to Kant, the understanding of existence became nearly an obsession of the great philosophical minds. It is this â€Å"obsession†that drives Hugh Jackman’s character, Robert Angier in Christopher Nolan’s The Prestige. In this â€Å"obsession†Angier finds his match with Keanu Reeves’ character, Neo in Andy and Larry Wachowski’s The Matrix, whose transformation from computer hacker to an almost God like position of knowledge, stems from his obsession with defining his existence. While it is the character Neo who is lead or rises to a position where it is possible to fathom the nature of existence, it is the audience whom Christopher Nolan guides to this level in The Prestige. Before an understanding of existence can be examined, it is important to define the role of the audience in Nolan’s The Prestige. While Nolan’s characters are subject to an â€Å"obsession†directed towards the knowledge of each other’s methods, the true character receiving knowledge is the viewer. Cristel Russell in a piece titled, â€Å"Rethinking Television Audience Measures: An Exploration into the Construct of Audience Connectedness,†written for Marketing Letters in 1999 discusses the degrees of connection a television audience has. While Russell’s piece is intentioned for an understanding of the relationship between a television audience and the images on screen in the sense of how to market to the audience, the similarity of the mediums allow for this to be an example for the filmic experience as well. Russell’s study asserts the strength of the connection the audience has, â€Å"viewers often reported that they imitate some of the intangible aspects of their television show, from the lifestyle of the actors to the philosophy portrayed by the character,†(Russell, 1999, p. 401). Russell chooses the word â€Å"their†to suggest a possessive, included, position that the viewer takes with the images portrayed on the screen. It this suggestion of inclusiveness that suggests that the viewer becomes part of â€Å"their,†show. No longer is the viewer simply an audience member; they are a part of the cast chosen by the director and as such they become a necessary medium for explication of â€Å"philosophy†as is suggested by Russell. Nolan’s audience is not simply viewing, they are interacting with the film, and as such they are guided by Nolan to a realization, just as Robert Angier is. While, Angier’s â€Å"obsession†for knowledge is limited by his insatiable desire for revenge, he ascends on a philosophical scale. While this may seem reminiscent of the story of Plato’s cave, where a man trapped is freed by realization that his existence is limited to projections on the wall of his cave, Plato’s example does not serve Angier. It isn’t until his death at the hands of his old enemy that Angier is able to transcend to the realm of knowledge necessary to understand existence. It is in this moment that he realizes that all the tangible evidence of how his rival’s tricks were performed, were not the true illusion. The truth that Angier in his final moments is lead to believe, is that sacrifice is a necessity for perception to become actual existence. In his dying moments Angiers defines his own understanding of his purpose, while the film-maker paints it in a romantic sense, it provides the viewer with the true understanding of individual existence. It is just that. Individual. While shaped by the collective experience, the only thing a human being can say for certain is that their existence is their own, folding too completely into an empirical collective experience is as unfulfilling as life without death. Hence, Angier must die by the end of the film. (Nolan, 2006). Knowledge cannot be limited solely to a scientific explanation of why things are and why things aren’t. John Cottingham’s piece, â€Å"The Question,†from The Meaning of Life provides the seeker of knowledge with an explanation for the limitedness of scientific inquiry. In the piece Cottingham highlights â€Å"religious discourse†throughout time as necessary force for further investigation into the why that creates the human need for knowledge of existence. While â€Å"religious discourse†may not provide an exact answer to what existence is, this is inconsequential as according to Cottingham, â€Å"But its advocates would urge that it none the less assuages the nausea, the ‘nausea’ as Jean-Paul Sartre called it, that we feel in confronting the blank mystery of existence,†(Cottingham, 2003, p. 9). Here Cottingham’s inclusion of â€Å"religious discourse†as essential in understanding the â€Å"blank mystery of existence,†seems to undermine a definition of existence based entirely on science. â€Å"Science†as discussed in Cottingham’s discourse should be understood as empirical knowledge. Based upon Cottingham, this empirical knowledge, the tangible is limited in its ability to assist human beings in their understandings of existence. It is into this gladiatorial arena where Rene Descartes jumps as a opponent of a solely empirical understanding of existence. Rene Descartes provides a rational approach to the problem of understanding existence. Descartes rationalism is based upon his definition of the â€Å"material†of existence. Rather than being bogged down in the definition of â€Å"material,†Descartes comes to the conclusion that, â€Å"Consciousness is the essential property of mind substance,†(Collinson, 2006, p.81). Descartes’ definition of the â€Å"essential property†as espoused in Diane Collinson’s Fifty Major Philosophers opens the door for how human existence is defined. The â€Å"essential property†of existence is not based on tangible experience. Collinson highlights Descartes suggestion that the mind experiences the empirical sense of the body, but not because of direct physical experience, rather that, â€Å"ideas of primary qualities are not derived from sense experience but are innate,†(Collinson, 2006, p 83. ). This idea of â€Å"primary qualities†can be applied to the question of existence as experienced by Neo in The Matrix. Neo’s character ascends from a plateau of empirical existence in the beginning of the film. He does not know that he is actually being deceived, that his definition of existence is a computer created dream state. This dream state although realized to be a manifestation of a computer program, is seen by Neo in his earliest iteration as real. He does not know he lives within a deception, because the computer-generated Matrix maintains all the â€Å"essential qualities†of existence in Neo’s mind. It is not until he meets Morpheus that what he considers existence is a facade. While he maintained a certain amount of skepticism, Neo’s first iteration as Thomas Anderson does not suffer to greatly from the problems that Descartes mused about in the sense of â€Å"dualism. †Neo before meeting Morpheus is happy to accept his existence just as it is because without the outside of influence of Morpheus’ experience, the Matrix holds up to the ideal of the innate nature of existence. Similarly, the audience of The Prestige is like Neo. They are lead astray from the true realization of existence, in particular the truths revealed at the end of the movie, by Nolan. The audience does not know that there is a form of deception taking place. Sure, there is the acknowledgement that the other characters practice in deception, but as the audience is intertwined into the film as an additional character, they are unable to see the greater deception at play. Like Neo, the viewers of The Prestige must go through further iterations in order to understand that while seemingly â€Å"innate†in the sense of Descartes, that the existence portrayed is not the truth. In both cases, an outside influence contends against the assumed support of the rationalism proposed by Descartes. As Neo is awakened into the real world by Morpheus, he ascends another rung on the ladder to an identifiable definition of what composes existence. As Morpheus instructs Neo in the realities of the computer dominated manifestation he had accepted as existence, he is in fact reflecting what Kenneth Westphal refers to as, â€Å"the Humean objection, that the appearance of physical objects in space and time is a deceptive illusion produced by our imagination,†(Westphal, 2006, p. 781). In this direct reference to David Hume In his piece,†How Does Kant Prove That We Perceive, And Not Merely Imagine, Physical Objects,†written for Review of Metaphysics, Westphal endorses Morpheus’ claim to Neo that his imagined self when inside the Matrix is just as real as Neo in the real world. If Neo dies in the Matrix, even-though his computer generated image is simply a construction of the mind, he also dies outside of the Matrix. The creation of two distinct images of the same person, with equal mortality seems to suggest a dichotomy, that deception and perception are interchangeable. That the tangible and the imagined are one and the same when it comes to defining existence, but this understanding is only reached by a communal understanding of existence. Neo was perfectly fine with accepting his previous understanding of the world and his violent initial reaction to Morpheus’ suggestion, points to this. This notion rather than serving to clarify how existence is determined actually muddles the idea. It almost works to endorse a sense of self-deception. (Wachowski, 1999). The concept of self-deception and the reality of the imagined is examined by through the audience’s viewing of the truth behind Angier’s final downfall in The Prestige Angier buys into the imagined and as a result must be destroyed. The final scenes of the film refer the audience, now so deeply involved in the deception to the introduction by the character, Cutter, â€Å"Now youre looking for the secret but you wont find it, because of course youre not really looking. You dont really want to know. You want to be fooled,†(Nolan, 2006). This suggestion that the viewer doesn’t â€Å"really want to know,†explains the downfall of Angier. He was so hopeless caught up in his desire for revenge that he limited his imagination, he only placed importance on the empirical evidence, that his enemy had been hung. He allowed himself to be deceived. Similarly, the character Cypher in The Matrix, desires to allow himself to be deceived. Rather than endorsing an empirical knowledge of existence in this desire, this â€Å"obsession,†it does quite the opposite. Both Cypher’s desire and Angier’s downfall in contrast to the admirable outcome favored upon Christian Bale’s character, Alfred Borden, endorse the idea that deception is as real as existence. The ability to choose between to two, between the intangible, (elucidated here as deception) and the tangible is the defining notion of human existence. This seems to reinforce a Kantian understanding of existence. Kant’s definition of the human experience while seemingly based in sensory information and in that regard would be subject to the same deceptions of the senses that plagued Rene Descartes. However, Kant’s argument trumps this understanding. Diane Collinson brings forth Kant’s understanding of experience and existence, â€Å"Things-inthemselves cannot be known ‘even if we could bring our intuition to the highest degree of clearness’. They are the non-sensible causes of what we intuit,†(Collinson, 2006, p. 123). Kant’s theory on knowledge, at least in part, suggests that although senses provide humans with a lens to view the world, that this is limited because in truth the perceived â€Å"cannot be known†no matter what level of ascendency the viewer reaches. This first portion of Kant’s definition of the knowledge of human experience is reflected in the downfalls of both Neo and Robert Angier. Both must fall in order to support this theory, but in falling they are able to transcend and realize that they were unable to fathom their experiences. Angier had to have his rival’s mystery elucidated for him. Neo had to die in order to reach a position similar to that of a demi-god where he was no longer limited by the human existence. The agents in The Matrix repeatedly call attention to this by discussing the weak and vileness of the humans they have enslaved. In order to transcend to this level of knowing both characters had to fail. They had to realize that experience and existence cannot be known simply from the sensory or the perception. It requires sacrifice, but the knowledge that comes out of the sacrifice is limited to the individual. Immanuel Kant endorses this assertion of the individual in existence. Moreover it Is in his acceptance of the individual’s lack of ability to discern between perception and the empirical Kant provides an argument against the aforementioned â€Å"Humean objection. †Whereas Hume argued that the knowledge of the physical is a deception produced by the imaginative capacities of the human mind, Kant dispelled this conjecture of Hume’s. This facet of Kantian idealism is reflected in his next contention against the Humean, â€Å"but Kant regarded Hume’s strategy as inadequate since it left the causal principle without any justification. His own account establishes a third class of propositions, one whose propositions, like those stating matters of fact, tell us something about the world and are synthetic rather than analytic but which are also necessary in that they have an a priori element, that is, an element that is not derived from sense perception,†(Collinson, 2006, p. 124). Collinson highlights Kant’s transcendence of Descartes’ and Hume’s positioning of sense perception. By allowing for â€Å"synthetic†propositions or ideas about the world, including that of human existence, Kant opens up a window to air out the farce that perception and the empirical are the measures by which existence is judged. Existence in this sense being â€Å"synthetic†is entirely based upon the individual. The individual, although knowledgeable of the deceptive nature of perceptions can choose to limit their knowledge of existence to those perceptions, as did Robert Angier. Or the individual can create their â€Å"own†synthetic perception of the world, if they understand that they cannot fully understand existence. Both characters ascend the scale of knowledge, but in order to truly understand the purpose of existence, they must fall. It is in this final fall, that both are allowed to finally acknowledge, to finally understand, the truth of their existence. In both movies, the characters, including the character of the audience in The Prestige, are guided to make a choice. The implications of this choice while not entirely revealed to the character upon deciding, reflect their decision to define their own existence. The character just like the human being, chooses what to make of their existence in whatever time and place they reside. It is not a communal definition of existence or an all-encompassing one. The knowledge of what existence is limited solely to the individual. Works Cited Collinson, Diane and Plant, Kathryn. â€Å"Emmanuel Kant (1724-1804). †Fifty Major Philosphers Routledge, 2006, pp. 121-127. Collinson, Diane and Kathryn Plant. â€Å"Rene Descartes (1591-1651),†Fifty Major Philosopher, Routledge, 2006, pp. 79-84. Cottingham, John. â€Å"The Question,†On Meaning of Life, Routledge, 2006, pp. 1-31. Nolan, Christopher (Producer), Nolan, Christopher (Director). (2006). The Prestige [Motion Picture]. United States: Touchstone Pictures. Russell, Cristel Antonia and Puto, Christopher. (Nov 1999). â€Å"Rethinking Television Audience Measures: An Exploration into the Construct of Audience Connectedness. †Marketing Letters 18 (4). Retrieved from: http://www. jstor. org. ezproxy2. lib. depaul. edu/stablett Silver, Joel (Producer), Wachowski, Andy and Larry (Director). (1999). The Matrix [Motion Picture]. United States: Warner Brothers. Westphal, K. R. (2006). HOW DOES KANT PROVE THAT WE PERCEIVE, AND NOT MERELY IMAGINE, PHYSICAL OBJECTS?. Review Of Metaphysics, 59(4), 781-806. Retrieved from: http://web. ebscohost. com. ezproxy2. lib. depaul. edu.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
what is a man :: essays research papers
Title of essay: â€Å"What is a man?†: an investigation of this question by Levi and Buchner. Works compared: If This Is a Man and Woyzeck. Introduction In the introduction to my essay, I will mention that Primo says a man is someone who kills, creates or suffers injustice, and that it is not the model of thinking man to wait for his neighbour to die in order to take his piece of bread. I.     It is man who kills Examples will include the passage from If This Is a Man in which a prisoner is killed in front of all the other prisoners in the camp because he took part in a revolt (this occurs in Chapter 16, page 155). Another passage that will be used is when Primo arrives at the camp for the first time and all the women, children, and old men are â€Å"swallowed up by the night†(this occurs in Chapter 1). Another example will be that of the killing of Marie by Woyzeck in scene XXII. II.     It is man who creates injustice Examples will include the passage from If This Is a Man in which we find out that there is a dripping tap in the bedrooms of the camp, but that the water is undrinkable (this occurs in Chapter 2). Another example that is found in Chapter 2 is that there is two inches of cold water on the floor in the shower room, so the prisoners can’t sit down. I will also mention that the shoes of the prisoners where mixed up on arrival, and that the German soldiers weren’t kind enough to keep the shoes in pairs. This is terrible for the prisoners, as Primo says himself, because â€Å"death begins with the shoes†. Also, the Germans banned the prisoners from carrying straw under their clothes to protect themselves from the cold. Examples from Woyzeck will include the fact that the doctor makes use of Woyzeck by making him eat only peas, knowing that he (Woyzeck) has no other choice since he is desperate for money. III.     It is man who suffers injustice This part of my essay may be welded with the previous part so as not to have to repeat examples again. I will simply analyse how man copes with the injustice that is inflicted upon him. IV.     â€Å"To wait for his neighbour to die in order to take his piece of bread is [†¦] further from the model of thinking man then the most primitive pigmy [†¦]†.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Seeing the World Through a Broken Heart
The world is a pit of suffering and pain yet we see it not. All across the world, people are suffering from injustice, oppression, and from other afflictions caused by our very own brothers yet we feel not these things, least of all, know of them.A worse thing we have done is make ourselves be the very cause of their pain as if our indifference is not enough a mockery. We do not know their plight, we cannot see their sufferings, we cannot feel their pain all because our hearts remain unbroken.We think the world is confined to the corners in which we move. We have learned to deafen our ears and harden our hearts to the grave injustice and oppression that our brothers across the continents go through everyday. We have downplayed their sufferings with cliches and punchlines we learned from self-help books and by doing so, our hearts do not turn to see their reality.And then, a single movie, carrying a powerful message, turns our worlds upside down. It breaks our hearts to millions of pi eces and opens the eyes of our hearts. We witness the realities of this world and we get shaken. We start to stir up inside.We begin to ponder intently and thoughtfully about what the world goes through, we start to philosophize and discuss within ourselves who we are and what man is and what does man do. We start to wander through life's realities and we always ask why. Our hearts have been broken and now see things in their most naked honest state, and so, it refuses to rest.What is a broken heart?A broken heart simply is an honest heart. It is a heart which is not blinded with fantasies but clearly sees reality as it is. It is a heart that looks at people through a clear glass and not through a rose-tinted window. It is a heart which does not deceive itself with promptings taught by the learned but contents itself only with what it has witnessed.Hotel RwandaHotel Rwanda pounded on my chest like a jackhammer with a deadline. It crushed my heart down to its basic components and for ced me to adopt a whole new perspective about things. I never knew that a world such as that I have seen in the movie existed. I thought people from Africa suffered only from hunger.I never knew of a racial prejudice of that magnitude. I thought only Saddam Hussein was guilty of racial cleansing. How could have I been so base so as to be ignorant of what our brothers go through? I have never seen man so vicious. I have never seen man treat their brothers as â€Å"cockroaches†all because they are of a different race.My heart was shaken and the scenes remain vivid in my mind long after I have seen the movie. Often, in solitude, I contemplate on the movie and I ponder on why man such as the Hutus will do such a thing as they have done. Their skin color was the same.The only reason for the discrimination which I could gather from the movie is that the Tutsis were taller and had the more handsome features. And I ask: what is that?! Perhaps, it is envy.As I continue to ponder, I h ave come to believe that envy really is one viable reason for racial discrimination. The Great Holocaust, which executed hundreds of thousands of Jews, was inspired by envy. Aryanism is built upon envy over the chosen people of God.So perhaps too, the thing that happened in Hotel Rwanda was inspired by envy. The Hutus were envious of the Tutsis because the latter had better physical features. It is a shallow reason but it is enough to cause man to want to eliminate an entire tribe of people.Envy is the second of the seven deadly sins. And rightly so. The movie has proven how deadly it is. What does envy do to man? Among lovers it has caused a lot of broken relationships, unstable marriages, and even manslaughter.Stories of lovers shooting each other because of jealousy have passed by our ears millions of times. Among families, it has caused dissension.Families get broken up because of envy. Envy has caused brothers to hate their own brothers. It is noteworthy that the first murder c ommitted was inspired by envy. The Bible account of Cain and Abel contains the story of the first murder where Cain killed his own brother, Abel, because of envy. Among friends, envy has caused contempt. Among classes and races of people, it has caused discrimination.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Corruption of Government Essay - 1313 Words
The unlawful use of a person’s position while in power leads to multiple problems with today’s government. The corrupt methods politicians use are ideas that are strictly in place for personal gain. Present throughout history and still prevalent within today’s world, government corruption has consisted of a number of negative issues including bribery, economic and social impacts, and the misuse of power. Government’s role within daily life has been shown to have negative effects as seen in many aspects of life as well as in literature. Bribery can be defined as when one is offered money or some other incentive with the intention to corrupt a person’s actions. ¬ Bribery is the main component, if not the basis, of government corruption.†¦show more content†¦If anyone in Equality’s society were to disobey the Council, they would be punished. â€Å"We have seen one of such men burned alive in the square of the City. And it was a sight which has stayed with us through the years, and it haunts us, and follows us, and it gives us no rest. We were a child then, ten years old. And we stood in the great square with all the children and all the men of the City, sent to behold the burning. They brought the Transgressor out into the square and they led them to the pyre. They had torn out the tongue of the Transgressor, so that they could speak no longer†(Rand 50). The Council had shown the community the burning of the Transgressor as a threatening bribe so that the community would know not to disobey The Council, because if they did they would be punished. The threat of punishment was an indirect form of bribery placed by that society’s government on its daily life. Bribery is one of the negative side effects that result from the corruption of government actions. There are also economic effects that result from government corruption. These economic effects coincided with bribery. 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